Top 10 Action Movies of All Time

Action movies hold a certain allure over the moviegoing audience-that much is true. We all have a soft spot for some great fight scenes or some big ol’ explosions whether we like it leavened by pretension or not (or whether we’ll admit that or not). And why not? Great action movies take a great amount of skill to make, and deserve our undying respect- up until the point where we’re blown up, of course. So, what are the best action movies of all time? We’ve compiled a list you’re sure to love- and don’t forget to add at least number seven to your DVD pile this week!
1. The Dark Knight
Okay, so people might call this a superhero movie more than an action movie-but, let’s face it, the real attraction here isn’t the masked hero at it’s heart, it’s the incredibly exciting action sequences that Christopher Nolan obviously put together with glee. They’re big, over-the-top and tie in perfectly with the plot- a plot that lends itself very well to the destruction of a city and general, all-round mayhem. Throw in a fun performance from Aaron Eckhart and a sizzling one from Heath Ledger and you’ve got one of the most interesting action movies of the year.