10 Classic Horror Films That Are Still Scary

Photo credit: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

With supernatural horror making a comeback with Sinister and The Conjuring, we take a look at 10 classic horror films that still incite terror. You’ll be happy to know, there’s no torture porn in sight…well, except maybe one.
1. The Omen
A chilling reminder that there’s nothing scarier than an evil child. In true horror fashion, The Omen take the child (the universal symbol of purity and innocence) and turns it against us. Directed by Richard Donner, and starring Gregory Peck, The Omen is the story of Damien: the child of Satan. After his and his wife’s child dies at birth, Peck’s well-meaning US ambassador switches the child with a new one, after the advice of a priest. As the boy matures, people start dying in horrific supernatural ways which can all be traced back to Damien. If you ever wanted to know what Rosemary’s baby would grow up to be, then the Omen gives you the terrifying answer.