10 Cool Things You Never Knew About Pulp Fiction

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Photo credit: Miramax

Photo credit: Miramax

Pulp Fiction is, pretty simply, one of the best movies ever made. And that’s a general consensus. Quentin Tarantino’s follow-up to Reservoir Dogs is a sharp, funny and totally unique take on the gangster genre-meshing multiple plots, timelines and characters into one cohesive whole. It’s also one of the coolest movies ever made- can anyone watch that film and not want to live those lives, even just a little bit? With storming performances from John Travolta, Uma Thurman, and Ving Raimes to boot, this really is a movie for the ages. But even the biggest fans would be surprised at everything they don’t know about this movie- educate yourself with our handy list. And you won’t believe you missed number four…

1. In-Jokes in the Boxing Match

Bruce Willis plays rogue boxer Butch in Pulp Fiction, and his performance here remains to this day one of his most iconic. But you probably didn’t pick up on a few in-jokes in the marquee of his boxing ring- the match is billed as Battle of the Titans, and proudly displays upcoming battles “Coolidge vs Wilson” and “Vossler vs Martinez”. The first one is a pretty obvious joke-a reference to presidents of the United states Calvin Coolidge and Woodrow Wilson. The second is a little more obscure- Russel Vossler and Jerry Martinez were friends of Tarantino’s from when he worked in a local video store. Vossler would go on to cameo in Four Rooms, while Jerry Martinez acted as a graphic designer for Kill Bill.

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