14 Films Trapped in Development Hell

Photo credit: Doubleday

13. Roboapocalypse
From a director down on his luck, to one who tanked his own film. After the success of World War Z, apocalyptic travel novels made up of dispatches of the origin of said apocalypse are now all the rage. Enter Roboapocolypse–an adaptation of Daniel H Wilson’s novel with Steven Spielberg attached to direct. The film seemed to be on the fast lane to the big screen with the casting of Chris Hemsworth and Ben Wishaw announced in quick succession. Things came grinding to a halt thanks to Spielberg. Apparently the director plans to trim the budget and is unhappy with the state of the script. Just as with World War Z, it’s not the easiest text to adapt for the screen, but just by reading the book, there are sequences that you can’t help but imagine would look wonderful on the big screen. At the start of the year, Steven Spielberg was insistent that the movie was still an active one, and that he’d found a more personal way to tell the story. What that is, we’re going to have wait some time to find out. If it does happen, the Robopocalypse movie won’t be with us until at least 2016.