14 Films Trapped in Development Hell

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Photo credit: Gollancz

Photo credit: Gollancz

14. Rendezvous With Rama

This adaptation of acclaimed science fiction and 2001: A Space Odyssey Arthur C Clarke’s novel, has been Morgan Freeman’s pet project for over ten years. The novel tells the story of an alien ship that has entered earth’s atmosphere, and the human scientists that want to explore it. While the premise is your basic sci-fi fare, the fact that it was written by C Clarke guarantees “SERIOUS PHILOSOPHICAL QUESTIONS.” The problem is, after ten years, there is still no workable script. As recently as 2012, Freeman told reporters that if this problem is fixed then the film will go ahead with his Seven director David Fincher in the hot seat. The thing that’s so hard to understand about this is that anyone could say no to Morgan Freeman.

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