14 Films Trapped in Development Hell

Photo credit: Random House

9. Blood Meridian
Ever since No Country for Old Men swept the Academy Awards for the Coen brothers, Cormac McCarthy’s fiction has been hot property. Since The Road, a post –apocalyptic slog of a masterpiece has been made, along with the recent James Franco directed Child of God. The pattern with McCarthy’s work is that it’s pretty grim. No more so with his masterpiece Blood Meridian. The blood diamond of the authors work, Blood Meridian is the ultra-violent story of outlaws in the west who collect Indian scalps for money. It is the violence of the film that is its main turn off with directors including Franco again and Ridley Scott, both abandoning attempts to bring it to screen. If a director does manage to make the film, expect a lot of the authors beautiful prose in voice over to distract you from the gore.