10 Performances the Critics Missed

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Photo credit: Paramount Pictures

Photo credit: Paramount Pictures

4. Mark Ruffalo- Shutter Island

When you think of Shutter Island (if you think of it at all- I mean, let’s face it, for a Scorsese film it’s been practically forgotten), your mind tends to go to an unravelling Leo DiCaprio or a clipped Ben Kingsley. Rarely does it go to Ruffalo, a man who’s built his career on fantastic supporting roles- and proves why here. Based on the novel by Dennis Lehane, the film takes place on a mental asylum secluded away on an island where suspicious goings-on have torn up the community. Ruffalo’s the one truly normal one in the film, a role which carries more weight than you might expect, and he pulls it off with wit, charm, and gusto.

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