11 Things You Never Noticed About Your Favourite Disney Movies

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Photo credit: Walt Disney

Photo credit: Walt Disney

7. The Lion King and the Words in the Stars

The Lion King truly is one of those complete classics that everyone knows and secretly loves a little bit-even if it’s just so they can hum the start of Circle of Life every time they pick up a kitten. But what you might not have spotted is the rather unfortunate arrangement of the stars in one shot-as Simba and company look out across the cliffs, the twilight sky is full of stars. Quite clearly, and for a good few seconds, you can make out the word “SEX” written across the sky in capital letters. Disney claimed it was a mistake-just an innocently hilarious bit of smut that accidentally found it’s way into this heart-warming tale. It was later claimed that the SFX had simply not made their secret tribute to their work clear enough, but you can make your own mind up about that.

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