12 Genius Movie Insults

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Photo credit: Polygram Filmed Entertainment

Photo credit: Polygram Filmed Entertainment

Ever been sitting in a cinema and heart an insult so fantastic you immediately wished you could write it down and use it forever? And I’m not talking about overhearing the couple next to you arguing over popcorn- sometimes, a great insult is more memorable than an intricate joke or a romantic declaration of love. So, if you want to become a pro in the movie insults game, look no further- we’ve compiled a list of the twelve movie insults you don’t want to forget. And I promise you’ll be using number eight again!

1. The Big Lebowski

“Life does not stop and start at your convenience, you miserable piece of SHIT!”

Who could forget this classic? Delivered with cruel vitriol from the mouth of John Goodman’s Walter Sobchak to Steve Buscemi’s hapless Donny in The Big Lebowski, what made this such a stand-out was the almost nonchalant way it was taken-as a grouchy, grumpy, angry, hilarious slice of life for The Dude.

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