Film Buzz

  • 10 Perfect Movie Directors

    With the pressure on directors these days to deliver the goods at the box office, it’s understandable that they have one of the most stressful...

  • 10 Super-Sleuthing Sherlock Holmes Film and TV Stories

    A literary character who many fans thought was real, the super consulting detective Sherlock Holmes has been on our screens in one form or another...

  • 10 Lost Batman Movies

    With Batman vs Superman in production, and all the controversy around every decision related to it, let’s look back at the Batman films that could...

  • 13 Box Office Stinkers

    2014 has been a good year for blockbusters: Captain America: The Winter Soldier, is breaking records, Godzilla’s hype and great ad campaign helped make it...

  • 10 Movie Quotes You Think You Know But Don’t

    Everyone has those certain movie quotes that they use on a pretty much daily basis. And they don’t have to be perfect, right? As long...

  • 10 Must-See Superhero Movies

    Everyone loves a superhero movie, right? Whether your tipple is watching caped crusaders flapping around grungy cities at night, or watching wise-cracking superstars battle evil...

  • 11 Classic Movies to See Before You Die

    I’m sure, as a movie buff of your calibre, that you’ve been told time and time again that there are certain classic movies that you...

  • 10 Most Romantic Movie Kisses Ever

    There’s something about a good movie kiss, isn’t there? I mean, provided you’re not an adolescent watching the movie with your parents in a blaze...

  • 11 Unforgettable Disney Songs

    Everyone grew up of Disney films. That’s just the fact of the matter. Whether you want to admit it or not, you probably had one...

  • 10 Movie Villains You Secretly Love

    A great hero is easy to do. Give them a tortured past (optional), a gorgeous love interest, and place them on the side of good...

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