All posts by admin

  • 15 Greatest Disney Channel Movies

    After the release, and world-wide success, of Frozen, Disney is experiencing a rebirth. So we’re going to celebrate this in a different way. We are...

  • 10 Classic Horror Films That Are Still Scary

    With supernatural horror making a comeback with Sinister and The Conjuring, we take a look at 10 classic horror films that still incite terror. You’ll...

  • Top 10 Ridiculous Remakes

    Let’s get one thing straight. Remakes, most of the time, are a bad thing. A shameless excuse to grab money out of you slightly interested...

  • 10 TV and Movie Trailers You Have To See

    Here is something to wet you pop culture appetite. The top ten TV and Movie trailers that you must see. Watch them and start planning...

  • Top 10 Halloween Scares

    For movie fans, Halloween is the prime time to marathon some scary cinematic delights. Instead of trick-or-treating, stay in this Halloween with these classic tales...

  • 10 Surprising Box Office Failures

    Don’t believe everything you hear about blockbusters. Some of the most surprising efforts make almost no profit at all. This is highlighted by last year’s...

  • 10 Crazy Films That Never Got Made

    If you thought that films like Sharknado and Rubber prove that any crazy idea can be turned into a film then you’re wrong. Here are...

  • 10 Films That Will Rock the Box Office in 2014

    2014 is turning out to be a bumper year for blockbusters, with sequels galore including films from Spiderman, X Men, The Hobbit, and the long...

  • 10 Perfect Movie Directors

    With the pressure on directors these days to deliver the goods at the box office, it’s understandable that they have one of the most stressful...

  • 10 Top Novel Adaptations of 2014

    Book lovers gather round as 2014 proves to be the most diverse year for the journey from page to screen. Here is a list of...

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