12 Movies to Watch When You’re Pregnant

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Photo credit: United Artists

Photo credit: United Artists

Being pregnant is a scary, exciting time for many women (so I’m told), and what better place to assuage your fears and get you excited about your upcoming gift to the world with a little pop culture? We’ve put together a list of twelve movies to pass the time while your stomach expands and you have an excuse to eat whatever you want. Me? I already do that. Check out number four for a warm, fuzzy look at your pregnancy.

1. Baby Boom

Starring Diane Keaton and Sam Shepard, Baby Boom takes on the oft-ignored area of working mothers. Left with her cousin’s baby, Keaton soon loses her job and her lover-so scarpers to the country to make a better life for herself. Sam Shepard’s vet with have you running to buy the nearest dog, and it refuses to let Keaton’s newfound motherhood get in the way of her ambition. Sweet, sharp, romantic and funny, it’s cleverer than it’s given credit for and Keaton charms through the screen.

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