12 Great Movies You Might Have Missed

Even the biggest film buff can’t keep up with every fantastic release. So you’ve heard a lot about a new foreign/indie/arthouse flick? A lot of awards buzz? Some unknown actor putting in a game-changing performance? Sure, you plan to get round to watching it- but sometimes there’s just too much in your DVD cupboard as it is. Read on for a comprehensive list of the twelve masterpieces that you might have missed- and take your earned place in the world of movie connoisseurs. And you’ll find out which movie starred Angelina Jolie, Denzel Washington, Queen Latifah and still wound up gathering dust. Unbelievable? You’d be surprised.
1. Thumbsucker
Featuring a fresh-faced Lou Pucci in his first-ever onscreen performance, Thumbsucker represents the very best stuff about American indie cinema. There’s the confidence to cast an unknown against a plethora of well-respected supporting actors- Tilda Swinton, Vince Vaughn, Keanu Reeves- and a witty, bouncy script that’s based on the Walter Kim novel of the same name (useless fact, #1: Walter Kim has a cameo in the movie as a debate team judge). As much about the flawed adults as it is about the thumbsucking teen at it’s heart, Thumbsucker is more than just your run-of-the-mill coming-of-age tale- it’s a witty, sometimes painful, and often relatable look at the crutches we use to get us through life. The film wound being mostly forgotten outside of the festival circuit, but is certainly worth another look if you’re into cut-above teen movies.