
  • 10 Most Romantic Movie Kisses Ever

    There’s something about a good movie kiss, isn’t there? I mean, provided you’re not an adolescent watching the movie with your parents in a blaze...

  • 10 Amazing Films from the 90s

    So, being a 90s kid is pretty much one of the most catered-for groups in the whole of society now. We rule the internet with...

  • 11 Unforgettable Disney Songs

    Everyone grew up of Disney films. That’s just the fact of the matter. Whether you want to admit it or not, you probably had one...

  • 10 Greatest Movie Musicals

    Movie musicals are a strange creature. Many people complain that they’re killing off the world of theatre; that too many people are just rolling on...

  • 11 TV and Movie Schools You’d Love to Join

    You ever been in that situation where you’re watching some movie or TV show based in a school and you just think “Damn, why couldn’t...

  • 12 Movies to Watch When You’re High

    While me nor anyone else on this site would ever condone the use of any illegal substances, say you wanted to be able to join...

  • Top 10 Christmas Movies

    Ah, Christmas. A time for love, cheer, excessive eating and the swapping of presents so ridiculously misjudged you promise yourself you won’t leave shopping till...

  • Top 10 Best Actors You Forgot About

    Some actors just have to deal with the fact that they’re never going to get the recognition they should for their work. Sometimes, it’s because...

  • 10 Greatest Movie Easter Eggs

    A lot of filmmakers love to slip a little something in for the fans. No, not like that-I said for, dammit, for the fans! Anyway,...

  • 17 Hilarious Crew Mistakes in Movies

    Okay, so it’s going to happen from time to time. The crew is going to put in an unwanted performance in the back ground of...

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