12 Best Ever Movie Monsters
A good monster movie is like…well, a good monster movie, actually. They are totally unlike anything else-unless, that is, the monster turns out to be...
17 Hilarious Crew Mistakes in Movies
Okay, so it’s going to happen from time to time. The crew is going to put in an unwanted performance in the back ground of...
10 Greatest Movie Easter Eggs
A lot of filmmakers love to slip a little something in for the fans. No, not like that-I said for, dammit, for the fans! Anyway,...
10 Movie Villains You Secretly Love
A great hero is easy to do. Give them a tortured past (optional), a gorgeous love interest, and place them on the side of good...
12 Super Sad Movies
Sometimes, you just need a damn good cry, right? And I couldn’t tell you exactly why that might be-a serious mutual case of emotional impotence,...
Top 10 Best Actors You Forgot About
Some actors just have to deal with the fact that they’re never going to get the recognition they should for their work. Sometimes, it’s because...
11 Things You Never Noticed About Your Favourite Disney Movies
Disney movies, eh? They are the paragon of childhood virtue, that wonderful studio that took on adventures under the sea, through the desert, and into...
The 12 Most Boring Movies Ever Made
Sometimes, movies just don’t turn out right. Occasionally, you hit the jackpot and wind up with a movie that’s so bad it’s good-the writing so...
Top 10 Banned Films
Some movies, for whatever reason, wind up on the scrap pile. Censors are known to be a tricky bunch, and over the years they’ve leapt...
12 Amazing Films The Critics Hated
Not every classic movie gets the response it should when it’s first released. You know what I mean-everyone seems to love it, but for some...